Update! (Oct 14, 2023)
The latest installer of Bottango for windows no longer requires the below steps. Be sure to download the latest version, accessible here as well:
Windows Maxwell Driver
If you are unable to connect to your logic board in your Maxwell kit, and are using Windows, please follow these steps to attempt to resolve:
1) Go to: https://www.silabs.com/developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers?tab=downloads
2) Download "CP210x Universal Windows Driver"
3) Unzip the downloaded zip archive.
4) Locate the file "silabser.inf" in the folder you just unzipped.
5) Right click on that file, and select "Install." Windows 11 users will need to click "show more options" to reveal "Install." Follow the prompts ("Open, and then "Install") to install the driver.
6) Restart your computer.
You should be able to connect to and communicate with your logic board now.
The below is a video of the required steps as well:
Video of Above Steps