Captain Cogbrow Download

In this page you'll find the required version of Bottango's software to build and animate your Captain Cogbrow kit, as well as status updates on the software.

Eventually the version of Bottango on the homepage will be the same as what's here, but in the near term we're still improving the Captain Cogbrow version at a rapid pace.


Captain Cogbrow Bottango Download:

Update 1/6/25: Bottango preview version 0.7.0p5 is now available. It is feature complete, and contains everything you need to build and animate your Captain Cogbrow kit! It contains as well some improvements over the previous preview release. Specifically bug fixes, more interactivity with Captain Cogbrow while building, and an improved assembly process and route for the cables in the head.

Download for Windows

Download For Mac

Download For Linux

Note: the tutorial videos at the end of the tutorial process show Maxwell, but the same concepts apply to learning to animate Captain Cogbrow. We will update the videos to show both characters soon.

As well, be sure to send us any bugs or suggestions, we'll keep improving the software. And reach out if you need any help!